1. The Scriptures
We believe the Holy Scriptures are the infallible, inerrant word of God. We believe it is the living, breathing word of God and recognize it as the final authority for our lives.
2. Community
We strive for unity, offer acceptance, receive and give forgiveness. We understand that through Jesus we have a relationship with God and we share in that relationship with others.
3. Family/Kids
We believe the family unit, no matter what its size, is extremely important to God and to us as a church family. We teach Biblical truths that will be the standard by which the whole family live their lives.
4. Authenticity
We are different to make a difference. We are open to change, we are adaptable, unique and we are original based on the direction God has provided for us.
5. Worship
One of the duties of the church is to allow the people to worship and celebrate the Savior. Our worship is presented in a way that draws people to the presence of God.
6. Integrity
We do what we say we will, with excellence, and hold each accountable for doing it.
7. Discipleship
We value building disciples of Jesus. Teaching followers to read the word, pray, serve and give generously. Then they in turn build disciples.
8. Daring Faith
The leadership of The LifeSong stepped out on Faith when we began. We will continue to have faith that God is providing us the inspiration to do things that only God can do, by using The LifeSong, for the glory of His Kingdom.
9. Missional
The mission of The LifeSong is to teach you, not teach at you. Everything we do, our messages, our Bible studies, the music and our ministries are to help you learn more about Jesus, so you are able to draw closier to Him.
10. Gospel Driven
We will do anything short of sin to share of Gospel message of Jesus Christ.